Travel Information & Travel Vaccination Fees

If you are travelling abroad and require vaccinations you will need to complete a travel risk assessment form and contact the surgery at least two days later to make an appointment for your vaccinations.

Some courses of vaccinations take two or three months to complete so please take this into consideration when planning your journey.

Most travel vaccines are ordered on a private prescription and incur a charge over and above the normal prescription charge.

We only charge if they are private patients e.g TATA
**We charge unless the vaccine is given to ‘At Risk’ patients (Check with Nurse)
***Can no longer be given to registered patients – offer other practice but must be patients choice 


KeyTypeDrug NameDetailsCharge
*Diptheria/Tetanus/PolioRevaxis1 vaccine£40.00
*Diptheria/Tetanus/PolioRevaxis3 vaccines £120.00
Hepatitis AAvaxim1 vaccine£65.00
**Hepatitis BEngerix – Adult1 vaccine£55.00
**Hepatitis BEngerix – Adult2 vaccines£110.00
**Hepatitis BEngerix – Adult3 vaccines£165.00
**Hepatitis B Engerix Peadiatric (Junior)1 vaccine£30.00
**Hepatitis B Engerix Peadiatric (Junior)3 vaccines£90.00
RabiesRapibur1 vaccine£75.00
RabiesRapibur2 vaccines£150.00
RabiesRapibur3 vaccines£225.00
*TyphoidTyphim vi1 vaccine£45.00
Yellow FeverStamaril1 vaccine£75.00
We only charge if they are private patients e.g TATA
**We charge unless the vaccine is given to ‘At Risk’ patients (Check with Nurse)